We, the workers of Vio.Me., abandoned by an employer who owes us huge amounts -accrued and overdue- decided to keep the plant and survive against the imposed on us imperatives of the capitalist crisis and the anti-labor measures connected with it.

For two and a half years now (and while the entire society is suffering) we try to stay alive, strong, full of energy and away from the fear of personal depression, through processes of absolute democracy and horizontality.

We decided that in the factory we keep occupied we can do exactly what the rulers, the mainstream media and their minions describe and present to the working class as impossible.

We have managed to not only survive but to also promote a solution for the reopening of the factory under workers’ control and self-managed production through the workers’ assembly.

Through numerous meetings with the Ministry of Labour and our daily struggle, we managed to promote a solution that allows us to bring our vision into practice.

Today, we, once more, address our colleagues and all the people who have stood beside us since the first moment, giving us the courage to continue.
Today we ask you to support the struggle which we fight together, by allowing us to attach on our statutes your signature as a “solidarity supporter”, thus opening to the majority of society the opportunity to participate in the democratic processes of the operation of the factory. We ask you to become part of this struggle that opens the way for factories to pass into the hands of workers, for a society without bosses and exploitation.

In solidarity,
the workers of
Who is a “Solidarity-Supporter”: in the context of its continuous contact with all sectors of society, the Vio.Me. cooperative recognizes in its new statute the role of the “Solidarity supporter”, who, in return for a small but steady economic contribution corresponding to cleaning products manufactured by the cooperative, is entitled to have continuous information on all the Vio.Me. – related developments, both in terms of the struggle and the production process, thus helping in shaping the development of the project with his/her informed advisory vote. In this way, a bridge is built between labor and the social control of production, a bridge that will enable us all to actively participate in the most important project of workers’ self-management in Greece.
“Solidarity-Supporter” as defined in the Statute of the Vio.MeSocial Cooperative: Individuals regardless of gender, ethnicity and religion, who agree with and are inspired by the principles of the Social Cooperative and who wish to contribute to the achievement of its objectives, such as those specified in this Statute, may participate as Solidarity-Supporters of the project. In order to acquire this capacity, they are required to send an electronic request giving their details (name, profession, place of residence, e-mail) to [email protected]. 
(*NOTE: For the moment, due to technical limitations, only Solidarity-Supporters residing in Greece may contribute financially in exchange for products. For those residing in other countries, this will become possible as soon as the Vio.Me. Social Cooperative expands its distribution network. Everyone is encouraged, however, to sign up as solidarity supporter).

The Solidarity-Supporters of Vio.Me. are expected to support the actions of the Social Cooperative by offering knowledge, information, financial contribution, or any other activity or material may be conducive to the realization of its objectives. There is a provision for an obligation to pay a monthly fee as follows: overall contribution of 3 € and reduced contribution of € 1.50 € for the unemployed, those who have 3 and more children and those who are students. The contribution corresponds to products of the Vio.Me Social Cooperative. 

The non-payment of the contribution does not lead to the loss of the capacity and rights of the Solidarity-Supporter if this is due to real economic weakness communicated to the Administrative Committee. The Solidarity-Supporters are welcome and encouraged to attend the General Meetings of the Vio.Me. – Social Cooperative, in the context of which they are free to express their opinions and they also have the right of an advisory vote. They are entitled to be informed about the activities of the Social Cooperative, the annual financial balance sheets, any changes in the Statute and any other important developments. The responsibility of keeping the Solidarity-Supporters updated as well as that for any decision concerning their status, rights and obligations, in addition to those specified in this paragraph, lies with the General Assembly.
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